Is HitchHiking possible in AMERICA?

Hitchhiking in the United States is legal. 

The confusion lies with the United States Uniform Vehicle Code. The law states: 

“No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of asking/approaching a ride.”

Sounds illegal, right? Yes — until you read its definition of “roadway:”
“That portion of a highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the sidewalk, berm or shoulder even though such sidewalk, berm or shoulder is used by persons riding bicycles or other human powered vehicles.”

What does that mean?

It’s illegal to stand directly on the road (for obvious safety reasons), but standing on the side of the road, the shoulder, or a sidewalk is fine.
Each state also has its own laws, though, and a few specifically ban hitchhiking. These include New York, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Wyoming.
However, getting caught hitchhiking in these states doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll go to jail. Police officers may stop and question you, give you a warning, or fine you. In fact, hitchhikers may experience this from authorities even in states where it is technically legal, due to ignorance of the law or boredom.

Is Hitchhiking Safe?

(please read it carefully it is for your own sake)

Hitchhiking has become progressively more rare over the years. Irrational fears about hitchhiking are brought on by paranoid horror stories promoted aggressively by the news.  .From my experience i had a wonderful time, met great people, and nothing bad happened.

Based on my own experience and after listening to other people’s hitchhiking stories, it’s likely that some weirdos will pick you up. But rarely will it result in a dangerous situation.sometimes its maybe two or three “odd” (socially awkward) drivers out of 50th times.

I was told countless times that hitchhiking would be dangerous. While it’s smart to be prepared for worst-case scenarios, in reality you don’t have to worry about these horror stories too much. Most of the people I met while hitchhiking were friendly, fascinating, and full of entertaining stories. But that doesn’t mean you should let your hope down.

Its just rumours which discourages you to do hitchhiking.While hitchhiking is not nearly as dangerous as some people make it out to be, there is risk involved. If you choose to engage in this activity, you are accepting those risks. Crimes are committed against hitchhikers from time to time, as well as against drivers (although much less frequently).

If you ever feel threatened or uncomfortable once you’re already in the vehicle, first ask the driver to stop and let you out at the next exit or gas station. Make up an excuse if you want to. If the driver still fails to stop, remind them that you sent a photo of the car and plate number to friends. In an absolute emergency, you can always grab the steering wheel or handbrake and cause a small accident. Remember, only use these techniques as a last resort, when you genuinely fear for your life. Even small accidents can kill you or someone else. It’s not something to take lightly.So at last hitchhiking is not dangerous as it seems but you should always hope for the best.


An 'interstate', also known as an expressway, freeway, or (confusingly) highway, is a large, multilane road that covers vast distances, and passes through major cities. If you aren't planning on going to the countryside, you probably won't need to stray far from the interstate system.
Interstates are designated on maps by "I-..." and have road signs. Even-numbered routes run from west to east and are numbered from south to north. For example, I-10 runs across the south from L.A. to Jacksonville, FL, and I-90 across the North from Seattle to Boston. Likewise, odd-numbered expressways start with I-5 along the west coast (Seattle to L.A.) and I-95 along the east coast (Maine to Miami).
The main interstates have two or three numbers, as in I-8 or I-76. Offshoots or ring roads will have a preceeding digit, for example, I-295, which runs along I-95.


Best Methods for catching rides

If you're going for speed over a long distance (3+ hours), then the best bet is to stay on the interstates. Highways are better for shorter or more senic trips.

  • Asking for rides at rest areas or gas stations

Image result for famous gas stations in america     Image result for famous gas stations in america
Asking for rides at rest areas or gas stations is often one of the quickest ways to get a very long distance ride, but soliciting and loitering is might be prohibited there and sometimes you will be kicked out before finding a ride. A good way to avoid being kicked out is to greet everyone entering the building with a friendly smile and give them a friendly nod, then ask them for a ride as they leave the building. This gives them time to become comfortable with your presence and prevents them from having the opportunity to complain about your solicitation to the employees.

  • Asking for rides at truck stops 

Asking for rides at truck stops is the same way. As a rule, Love's, Petro, and TA will be the quickest to kick you out. Pilot/Flying J truck stops and smaller locally owned truck stops are generally a lot more lenient. You may even find signs that prohibit you from asking a ride, so caution is necessary like asking instead of showing them a sign to your destination.


Always try to be look presentable and confident because these two things are very important.If you look presentable then you will definitely look attractive. Dont smoke, drink or sit down on the side of road.Always try to keep a souvenir thing with you which reminds of that place.For example : t-shits,ornaments,hats,keyrings.It always shows a good impression.
Image result for some souvenir things in usaImage result for some souvenir things in usa

Image result for souvenir cowboy hats

  • Always try to do good conversation

Image result for many people doing conversation while driving

It is one of the main reasons that why people help hitchhikers. Many people get bored while doing long driving and want to listens others biography/life story. Sometimes by luck many people have also done hitchhiking in their past .,and want to share their experience with you .By doing conversations it also help the drivers by keeping them awake while driving .By doing good conversations with them maybe they can offer to host you for the night.So always try to have a good conversations with the person you are sitting,by having conversations on interesting topics. Eg what is the history of america, more places in america to travel, famous restaurants, famous dishes etc. 

  • Always prepared for what's coming next

  • Image result for always predict the what's coming next quotes

Always pack enough food and water to last a day, in case you get stuck in the middle of nowhere. I like to bring a few bananas, apples, tortillas(रोटियाँ ), tuna, refried beans,granola bars,2-3 small bottles of water and maybe a package of cookies to share. A filtered water bottle will let you safely drink from rivers and ponds. Take a couple of dark-colored permanent markers to create signs on cardboards, some sunscreen, a first aid kit, warm clothes, and a rain jacket or umbrella.
A USB car charger and power bank for your mobile phone is a good idea too. They’re perfect for listening to music, checking Google Maps, or calling for help in an emergency. A lightweight camping hammock/bag or bivy sack will help you save money on accommodations. I frequently camped in the woods on the side of the road or behind churches on my trip.

  • Sometimes cardboard signs also works

Image result for written carboard for hitchhikers

A simple cardboard sign indicating a town nearby helps a lot. Keep it short and write in large capital letters with a round marker. It needs to be readable at a distance from a fast-moving vehicle. Use destinations that are relatively close (within 20–50 miles)For Example:BOSTON TO NEW YORK,NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHIA, and you’ll be more likely to score rides. You can then negotiate longer ones inside the vehicle if the driver is going farther in your wanted direction.
Always try to make funny and attractive sign boards for example "montana won't kill you", hitchhiking to NYC on a world trip etc.You can easily find  cardboard for signs at any gas station or fast-food restaurant.

  • Always choose your ride carefully

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Always choose your ride carefully because you don't know who is on the other side. Is the driver in a good mood? Are they looking you in the eyes? Are they Drunk/sober? How many people are in the car? If you don’t feel comfortable accepting a ride, thank the driver and say no. Make up an excuse if you have to.I will suggest that always trust on your gut instinct always use your common sense.

  • Stay Positive in every situation  

Image result for stay positive  Image result for ready for what's coming quotes

Hitchhiking is definitely a mental challenge. You’re putting yourself out there in public while engaging in an activity that isn’t considered usual. You’ll be judged by everyone who passes you, often in a negative way. People will laugh, flip you off, yell, honk, rev their engines, or maybe even throw things.But you have to stay positive no matter what because this is the only thing which pushes you to do more. 





  1. Good job brother keep it up

    1. Thanks brother keep supporting me
      regards Travelling Mentor

  2. I always wanted to do hitchhiking in America but I don't know how to do it after reading your blog I will look further and start travelling in America by doing hitchhiking

    1. Thank you dhruv for showing some efforts regards us
      hope you hitchhike in america soon and don't get any trouble are best wishes are with you


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